Saturday 25 June 2022

Wunderli's are Wandering again

 The Wunderli’s are on the move again towards the end of this year.  Zara will be graduating from High School in November and soon after that we will head to Europe for home assignment which has been delayed due to Covid.  We are likely to stay in Scotland for 6-12 months due to some family needs. However, the length of time is unclear at this stage.

As you can imagine when you plan to uproot your life again and move across the other side of the world it can be a bit overwhelming.  However, we are thankful for our faith in God who doesn’t change and has encouraged us that we just need to take this next journey one step at a time.  Thankfully, He knows what we need.

As you can imagine we have some prayer requests that we would love for you to join in praying with us.

Simon - Finding clarity as to what 2023 will look like living in Scotland but continuing to work with MAF.  The tentative plan is:

In October/November 2022 he will fly to the States to fly ca. 80 night hours to qualify to fly under the regulations that MAF uses in Guinea and Liberia in West Africa.  Passing specific flying exams with the FAA will then qualify him to be a check and training pilot.

One of the issues for us moving to Scotland is that Simon, being Swiss, can only stay in the country for 6 months.  Brexit has changed the rules and so this creates a bit of a bump in the road. Pray as we navigate the immigration minefield and figure what the best plan forward is in terms of visas.

In 2023, all going according to plan, Simon will fly in our new Guinea programme for three weeks at a time plus potentially helping out in other MAF programmes in Africa as many of the programmes are currently short staffed.  The details of this are yet to be confirmed but this is the way we are tracking for now.

Joshua -  will continue living in Switzerland until the end of 2022.  He has just started his third German lesson course with the potential of doing one final one after that.  Hopefully, he will find some work until the end of the year as well as work on his online business which he has recently re-branded.  Check it out as 

His plan for 2023, at this stage, is to head back to Australia and study at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.  This is also yet to be confirmed. Prayers appreciated for these plans.

Zara –  will finish High School in November.  Pray for her as she studies for her final exams and to finish well.  She plans to come to Scotland with us and work for a year.  Praying for the right job to come up at the right time.  During this gap year she will spend some time thinking and praying through what’s next and what she wants to study or where to work after 2023.

Pam:  will finish her current role as HR Manager for the Asia Pacific Region mid-August.  Pray as she figures out what is next and also as she spends time planning the move back to Scotland and all that that that entails.

We will be needing a place to live in Scotland and a car so if anyone has any connections, we would love to hear from you.  The housing market is a challenge in Australia, and it looks much the same in the UK so any advice/input would be greatly appreciated.

It will be sad for us to leave Australia and the friends we have made here.  We have had some fun experiences, but God has something different for us to do in this next season so we daily trust Him as He guides us step by step.  Who knows where we will end up 😊

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