Monday 12 September 2022

Time is racing by...

We are entering a season of "lasts" at the moment and the transitions never get any easier the more you do them.  However, we are thankful for the reminder of Proverbs 16:9 - A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life], But the Lord directs his steps and establishes them.

The Lord made it clear earlier in the year that the journey before us would have a few twists and turns and that taking it one step at a time was the only way.  We are trying to be diligent in doing this but the planner in me, at times, wants it all cut and dry - when will I learn? :)

We have tickets to fly out of Australia on the 1 December where we will head to Scotland.  We will settle there for as long as we need to and, at this point, we are not sure what that fully looks like but one day at a time.

Update on the family

Simon has been fairly busy recently.  He just finished a training course with the MAF US team which will enable him to carry out flight operations in Guinea, West Africa next year.  He is currently teaching a Caravan conversion course this week and next.  Once that is complete he will head to the States to do some night flying.  This will take him about three weeks to achieve and we hope to have him home in time for Zara's graduation. 

Next year is still not clear but the loose plan is that he will serve in the Africa region on a fly in fly out (FIFO) basis after we have completed home assignment.  He will enjoy getting back into operational flying again as well as possibly helping out in other areas.

I (Pam) have now reduced my working hours with MAF to two days a week despite the plan to finish at the end of August.  This enables me to help get us all ready for our move but still support the HR team for another couple of months.

I have also been getting more involved in the area of coaching in the last few months.  I have had the opportunity to help other organisations and individuals with specific needs which has been very rewarding.  I am looking forward to what the future holds in this area so watch this space.

Joshua is completing his last German class in Switzerland before he moves on to the next phase of his life.  We are looking forward to seeing him in December and catching up in person.  We miss him :)  At the moment he is waiting to hear if he has been accepted into the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane.  He will study design with an emphasis on fashion.  It will be interesting what his path looks like down the track.  He has enjoyed his time in Switzerland and has had some amazing opportunities along the way.  This included a trip to the states to be best man in a friend's wedding.  They had a great time and he got to experience some real good Texan hospitality.

Zara is currently in the middle of exams and will finish this week.  After the school holidays she will be studying for her last exams and then graduation on the 16th November.  Thankfully, it is not all work and no play as she has her best friend from New Zealand coming to visit for a week.  She is looking forward to catching up in person and having some fun together.

Zara also passed her driving test at the end of August - one happy girl!  She is currently running around on a vespa and enjoying the freedom that it brings.

Prayer: Praises/Requests

1.    Give thanks that our wee dog, Islay, has a new home once we leave.  This has been a big answer to        prayer.

2.    We also have a storage option for our belongings until we figure out what the future holds for us.         Another prayer answered.

3.    We are still looking for somewhere to stay once we are back in Scotland so prayers appreciated for        this need.

4.    Pray for strength and endurance as we uproot ourselves yet again (we are not getting any younger        :))

Thanks for your continued support of our live and ministry with MAF.  We look forward to seeing many of you when we are in Scotland and when we visit Switzerland.

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