Thursday, 5 September 2019

Training in PNG Part 2

Simon headed back to do some training for two students in PNG.  Here are some photos of his time there.

Dropping a MAF pilot in Bak to pick up his plane that had to be left their overnight due some maintenance issues.

Last GA8 leaving PNG. Lazarus a MAF engineer helping Simon get the plane ready early morning.  Love the smiles :)

The beauty of the PNG Highlands from 6-7,000 feet in the air

The mighty Fly River

Dropping of a team of doctors for the first time in a village in nearly 30 years.  Time to celebrate.

Joseph Tua, Simon's student (and friend)  in the air

Public holiday so all petrol stations were closed.  However, there is always another way.

Back in a developing country where weevils are thrown in for free...

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