Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Training in PNG

Simon left for PNG last Sunday to do some Caravan (Cessna 2018) training with two pilots.  One is from Switzerland and one is a PNG national.  Unfortunately, the weather hasn't been good up till now which adds to the challenge of flying in PNG.  Pray for blue skies and for the sun to come out.

He will be gone for three weeks so pray for him and the students that all will go well and they will achieve what they need to in this timeframe.  Also they will get the rest they need too!

Simon said " Day break and we're off. Fogged in at Rungenae but hopefully the weather is better at Kiunga where we parked the plane"

Simon said "Looked promising at 6.30 am but after loading 800 kgs of mosquito nets we're now fogged in. Aviation's moto: hurry up and wait! Holds true once again"

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