Friday 4 June 2021

Wunderli goings on.....

Below is an update on what we have been up to in recent weeks. Life is never dull which is a good thing :)

Last month Simon was asked to pick up a Cessna 208 in Guam to finish off the ferry flight that started in the US. The ferry pilot didn't want to fly it into Australia as that would mean two weeks of quarantine. Despite Guam just being north of PNG Simon and Brad had to fly from Cairns to Sydney to San Francisco to Honolulu and then onto Guam. This was the safest way to go that would have them minimise their chances of lockdowns and quarantines. Thankfully the plan worked out well and Simon and Brad were able to pick up the plane in Guam and fly it 13 hours to Cairns. It took a few hours to log all the flight plans but thankfully they managed it in the time frame they had. Below are some photos they took of the flight. Grateful for your prayers for them and for the good weather they experienced. Simon and Brad both had to quarantine at home for two weeks on arrival in Cairns. Simon was freed from "home prison" yesterday and immediately went out for three walks during the day to embrace the fact that he could :)


Plane on the ground Guam getting ready to fly to Cairns.  Eventually it will end up in our PNG programme.
The routing that they took with Guam at the bottom of the page and Cairns at the top with PNG in the middle.

Overland PNG

A volcano exploded just as they flew overhead    
Protective suit in case the plane ended up in the ocean.  Thankfully, it wasn't needed 😊

Happy 18th birthday Joshua. 🎂

As some of you know Joshua started an online clothing store called Alpterra which keeps his creative side satisfied. ( Alongside this he is doing a diploma in marketing and social media so we will see where this takes him.  We are thankful that he also secured a second part time job at a local physiotherapists.  He is one of the receptionists there.  He is learning different admin skills  which hopefully will be of use to him in the future.

Happy 16th Birthday, Zara

Zara has a part time job at a riding stables.  Thanks to all who prayed she would find a job.  She also gets to hang out with a friend who has horses so one happy girl 🐴  

I had the privilege of spending an afternoon with this lovely lady.  I have known Nadia since our MAF Uganda days.  It was lovely to catch up again, always a pleasure. 😊


Aside from my commitments with MAF I have also started helping out more with our church's Bible College.  Simon and I facilitate the New Testament survey class on a Monday night.  It has been fun to spend time with these folks digging into the Word.

For fun I have joined our church's futsal (indoor soccer) team.  It has been a while since I played soccer (football for the Scot's out there 😀) but awesome to hang out with a great bunch of people.  Simon hopes to join in a few weeks after his knee recovers from a running injury. 

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