Sunday 12 August 2018

Adventures in PNG Part 1

Simon was quite taken with this man and his tree bark hat so just had to have a photo with him

Got to love these smiles :)

A traditional style of cooking food in PNG is called a MUMU.  The meat is prepared and put in a hot pit in the ground with vegetables including potatoes and wrapped in banana leaves.

It is a team effort to get everything prepared for the feast.

People arriving hoping that everything can fit on the plane.  However, in this case it took two trips so a bit of a juggling act as to what stayed and what went.
A gift from one of Simon's passengers
Simon and Luke flew into this airstrip where there is a district "hospital".  They dropped off a man here who was suspected of having typhoid. 

This medevac was for a lady who was in a precarious situation in giving birth to her daughter.  Thankfully the baby survived although had some nerve damage to one of its arms

This airstrip ends on a cliff edge.  No margin for error on this one.
If you don't hit the airstrip you will know all about it.
Definitely a country of extremes.  One minute on the mountaintop and the next in the valley.

More stunning scenery

Massive landslides that took place a couple of months ago.

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