Sunday, 3 February 2013

SU in Rainbow

At the end of last term one of the teachers at Rainbow School (who is also a friend and colleague in MAF) asked if I would help her with running a Scripture Union club.  First of all it is amazing that we were able to get permission to do it.  This is truly an answer to prayer.

We started a couple of weeks ago and all 20 children that had signed up for the after school club were there.  We had a break last week due to a public holiday but will begin again this week.  Pray for the children that attend that they would grow in their love for Jesus and for those that don't know Him  that they would come to know Him.  Pray for wisdom as we lead and as we share Bible stories and encourage Scripture memorisation along with fun games and activities.

Both Joshua and Zara, along with a couple of other "MAF kids" signed up for the club so its fun to have them in the midst and to be able to encourage them in their young faith.

Be in prayer for this after school club that the children's minds would be open to the things of the Lord and that they would have teachable hearts. 

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