Tuesday, 18 September 2007

My race with time

Zara sleeping off her cold and fever
If the start to this week could be described as a race it would be definately be classified as a 100m sprint with a few hurdles thrown in for good measure.

My job with the guesthouse has started at a fast pace with much to be done but never enough hours in the day to get it finished. There is a possible new property to rent which would be better than our current facility, new beds to buy, things to restore and bugs to beat. If that wasn't enough there are staffing issues to be dealt with which are slightly of a delicate nature.

Our guest, Kami Rice, arrived last Friday night. Kami is a freelance journalist and has hooked up with MAF UK to write some stories for them on the work of MAF Uganda. We know Kami as she was a roommate of a good friend of ours in the States. She is on a tour of various countries of Africa. She started in Ghana then onto Kenya. She is now in Uganda and from here onto Zimbabwe where she will finish up in South Africa. As I write she is on her way to Bunia, Eastern Congo for an overnight. When opportunities arise you need to take them. :)

My race with time came to an abrupt halt this morning due to Zara being a bit under the weather with a cold and a fever. The days plans were dropped and we ended up on the sofa watching pooh movies and me trying to catch up on my Bible study. God has a way of slowing you down in unexpected ways. Simon and Joshua are also struggling with coughs and Simon came back from his flight today complaining of sinus trouble. Thankfully my voice has come back as it had disappeared over the weekend. Well I'm glad its back!!

Pray for Zara that this flu would go as quickly as its come and that we would all be healthy again very soon.

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