Tuesday, 5 May 2020


As you will have noticed I have not posted anything in a while.  The past two months have been a whirlwind of activity due to the onslaught of Covid-19.  For many people in our MAF community, around the world, it has brought a lot of turmoil, travel challenges and uncertainties.  In the last two months our schedules have been busy with Crisis Management Team meetings, Immediate Response Team meetings and many others as we navigate the continual changes that come our way.

I know that as I write you have your own set of stories and personal circumstances that you experience.  There are lockdowns, lack of toilet paper, flour and other random items, exercise has become a focal point,wearing face masks, online school has become normal as well as working from home and the multiple online meetings - Zoom, Teams, Skype.  Not to mention those who have lost jobs and those whose family circumstances have been changed for ever through the loss of loved ones.

However, during this time I have seen a lot of positives.  I have seen people rally around and help those in need.  Neighbours are checking in on each other, friends from long ago are getting together virtually and the list goes on.  I hope when we look back on the year 2020 that the things that we learned will have changed us for the good.

I want to share a video link from our Country Director in PNG that has just come out.  I share it for your interest, for prayer and for you to get involved if you feel led to do so.  Urgent need for Face Masks
Thank you to all of you who pray for us.  You can see our specific prayer requests on our blog page.