Monday, 30 March 2015

Care "Suitcase"

Thanks to Monika and Dani (Simon's sister and brother-in-law) for the care "suitcase".  Joshua and Zara had a lot of fun going through everything as well as the big "kids".  We will be having a BBQ tonight with some Swiss sausages.


Simon and Matt's trip to SA

Below are some photos of Simon and Matt's trip to SA with "Scotty".  Their trip included flying over Tanzania, Malawi, skirting the border of Zimbabwe, Mozambique and then South Africa.  Thanks to all of you who prayed for a smooth trip.  Everything went according to plan including the weather.  Thankful for your prayers.

Simon doing some paperwork in preparation for their flight to South Africa

Simon flew the first leg and then Matt did the second leg

Flying into Lilongwe, Malawi

This is "Scotty" parked at Kamuzu International Airport, Lilongwe, Malawi.  The plane is affectionately called "Scotty" after the Church of Scotland Ladies Guild funded the purchase of the plane.  So fun that we get to have it in Uganda.

Simon waiting for immigration to open...patience is the name of the game

This "rock" is in Mozambique
In the distance is Zimbabwe.

The two pilots, Simon and Matt.  I am sure there are some nicknames we could give them.  Maybe David and Goliath :)  This was "Scotty's" final destination.  Once we see her again she will have a new paint job.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Back and shoulder trouble now I am 39+2

For the past three months I have been having shoulder pain incurred through sports.  With me still thinking and playing like I am in my 20's I thought it would go away naturally but to my dismay it hasn't.  Anyway the long and short of this story is I booked an appointment with a physio. (thankful there was one in our area that could help).  He was very knowledgeable and worked out what the problem was.  The medical name for it is quite the tongue twister so I am not going to try and guess how to spell it :)  Anyway he was able to do some massage and other treatments as well as show me some exercises that would help.   Due to the fact that I have overworked the left shoulder it has now been weakened and the right side of my body has tried to compensate.  However, with treatment this should resolve itself.  He also mentioned that one of my vertebrae had twisted.  He said this was unusual because it is only really seen in men and athletes.  He was able to manipulate in back into place so I am all good there.

Give thanks that this Danish physiotherapist is in town for a few months and I am able to get good treatment.  Pray that the treatment would do its job and I would be back to "normal" soon as I am missing doing sports :) and don't enjoy the pain on some days.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Off on his travels

Simon and another pilot are off to South Africa next week.  They will be flying one of our caravans down for a new paint job.  Simon was busy planning the trip this week which involved maps on our bedroom/office floor and time spent on the computer working it all out.  Definitely a bit of a change from his normal day to day flying here in Uganda.  Please pray for a safe trip and good weather :)

Ladies Retreat 2015

At the end of February some friends and I organised a Ladies Retreat.  We had a lot fun together on the retreat as well as great times of worship and learning from Psalm 91. The theme of the retreat was "Living under God's Umbrella". 
This is in one of the sessions on the first day as I taught on Psalm 91. 

 There were some silly "Photo Booth" moments

On the organising team we had a wonderful lady who helped us plan some goodies for all the ladies who would be attending.  Thank you Neltia!
At each session we had some new things put on the table which went along with our theme.  It was fun to see the ladies faces when they came in and saw yet another gift :)
This is the organising team.  Wow what a great team to work with and thanks to Nadia (lady in the middle) for taking over the photography for the weekend.  She did a great job.

 At the end of my last session each lady was given a stone to write something on it that would help them remember what God had spoken to them about at the weekend.  It was to be a memorial stone for them when they got back home and into the normal routine of life again.  This was what one lady wrote on her stone.