Thursday 12 March 2015

Ladies Retreat 2015

At the end of February some friends and I organised a Ladies Retreat.  We had a lot fun together on the retreat as well as great times of worship and learning from Psalm 91. The theme of the retreat was "Living under God's Umbrella". 
This is in one of the sessions on the first day as I taught on Psalm 91. 

 There were some silly "Photo Booth" moments

On the organising team we had a wonderful lady who helped us plan some goodies for all the ladies who would be attending.  Thank you Neltia!
At each session we had some new things put on the table which went along with our theme.  It was fun to see the ladies faces when they came in and saw yet another gift :)
This is the organising team.  Wow what a great team to work with and thanks to Nadia (lady in the middle) for taking over the photography for the weekend.  She did a great job.

 At the end of my last session each lady was given a stone to write something on it that would help them remember what God had spoken to them about at the weekend.  It was to be a memorial stone for them when they got back home and into the normal routine of life again.  This was what one lady wrote on her stone.

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