Friday 20 June 2014

Proud of J and Z

This week we got a letter home from school with an invitation to the WOW Awards at J and Z`s school.  These happen once a year, I believe, where children are recognized in the areas of progression, achievement and creativity.

Zara was up for an award but we were not sure for what and either was she as it is a secret from them also.  Only I could go as Simon was flying but I am sure J and Z will fill Dad in on it all when he gets home.

So Zara was given the Wow Award for Creativity.  Her certificate read for "Fabulous creativity in all areas".  We are proud of this accomplishment and we will celebrate in some way.

Joshua announced to us last night that he had done well in a 500 words writing competition and would be reading part of his story out in front of the assembly this morning.  He was a bit nonchalant about it and it appeared to be no big deal.  However, at the assembly he was awarded a certificate for "..the best vocabulary and overall winner".  Who knew we had a writer in the family.  All the reading he does has certainly paid off.  Maybe I will delegate the blog writing to him now but first of all we need to celebrate.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! to you both. Very well done and keep up the good work!
(Emma's mum)