Thursday 9 January 2014


We are thankful to all of you who have sent us messages in this past week since Simon's Mum went to be with the Lord.  It would have been great to have been able to write back to you all individually but that would be quite the task :)  So accept our sincere thanks from our blog.  We appreciate the memories and stories you have shared of your time with Simon's Mum whether that be recently or in years past.  Amazing to see the way she has impacted people's lives.  Thank you also for your prayers in these last weeks - they make a difference!

The funeral will be tomorrow (Friday, 10th January) in Meilen, Switzerland.  Simon was able to get a flight home this week so he can be with the family and attend the funeral.  Pray that it would be a blessed time for the family during these days as they spend time with each another.

1 Peter 1:3-9

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