Friday 1 March 2013

Simon is on his feet

Simon is doing well.  He greeted me when I walked into his room by getting out of bed and standing straight.  I have not seen him like that in many months.  It was a joy to see.  He needs to be up every two hours to walk around but is not allowed to sit yet but that will come in the days ahead.

We saw a Dr. last night and she said the surgery had gone well.  They were able to remove what they needed to of the damaged disc and free the nerve.  He is enjoying being able to walk without the pain he had before.  He is, however, on pain meds which is need to suffer pain unnecessarily in the post surgery phase.

He saw the surgeon that performed the surgery this morning and he also seemed happy with the progress.  PTL!

It is good to see Simon looking so positive and relaxed.  We pray the progress continues as it has in the last hours.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us so diligently.  We appreciate it a lot.

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