Tuesday 25 May 2010

A get away in Sudan and swollen adenoids

This week Simon is doing a 6 day charter for an organisation called Aid Sudan. He will be flying around 3 team members one of which, I believe, is the Director of the organisation who is doing a tour of all the bases. Simon flew on Monday to a place called Malualkon which is just south of Darfur and then will fly to Mvolo, Nasir and Torit which are further south in Sudan. These trips are often fun for pilots as they get to see what our passengers actually do when they leave the plane. They get to "hang out" with the team and participate in some of the ministries that are going on. Pray for safety for the whole team, for Simon as he flies and for good weather. I think he will enjoy my cooking when he returns as it sounded like he will be living on beans, rice and peanut butter sandwiches while he is there.

I would value your prayers whilst we remain at home. I had to take Zara to the doctor yesterday as she was in pain on the side of her face. I could feel a lump under her jaw. It turns out that one of her adenoids was swollen. After persuading her that she needed to have a blood test we finally got the results which said she had a bacterial infection. She is now on antibiotics so we look forward to seeing the swelling going down in the next couple of days. Apart from the pain in her face when she eats she is doing remarkably well. She had a day off from school today and has slept for almost three hours this afternoon so that should help.

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