Friday 19 March 2010

Sipi Falls, Eastern Uganda - Random photo update

Simon and Zara enjoying the wonderful view over the valley

A visit to Patrick and Stella's house who look after widows and orphans and run a coffee making business.

Zara loved every stage of the coffee making process

Zara helping Patrick sieving the grounded coffee

Joshua and Grossvati grinding the coffee beans to get the shells off.

Joshua climbing up the rock face to get to the bat caves. Some of us took the ladder :)

One of the many colourful lizards we saw on our visit.

Watching a localised rain storm pass through the valley.

We stayed in some comfortable, but basic accommodation. We helped the amenities along a bit by enabling their tap to turn on with the help of a 100 shilling coin.

Simon greasing the door hinges with some butter from breakfast. It did the job no more creaking!

This was as close as we could get to the waterfall as the path down was too slippy and muddy. Even here we were getting soaked by the spray.

Awesome power of water!

Another wee creature that we met along the way - a chameleon!

Joshua and Zara enjoying the tree swing!

Some little kiddies that accompanied us for brief moments on our walk.

From a different angle....

Some more happy faces that joined us on our way...

We climbed this ladder to get to the bat caves. These ladies went one further and carried their fire wood at the same time.

The view from the top of the ladder.

Simon and Zara in the bat cave. I beat a hasty retreat after about 10 minutes. I don't like bats and I was convinced on my way into the cave that I saw one hanging in front of my face. It was enough to see them flying around never mind hanging so close to me....Ahhhhhhhh

Beautiful rainbow and a reminder that God keeps his promises!

Will it hold us all over the drop....thankfully it did!

J and Z standing out a mud hut that was being constructed.

Some of the most beautiful roads in Uganda. Do you like the removal truck? I particularly liked the bike hanging on the back. Good job there weren't many pot holes on this road. Not sure if they would have made it to their next abode.

We were able to go away for a weekend with Simon's parents to Sipi Falls. It is a beautiful part of Uganda and we enjoyed the new experiences we had there. We had a 4-5 hour walk into the valley to visit the falls and then had lunch with a national family. We also had a coffee tour where we went through every stage of the coffee process. It makes you appreciate coffee and all the work that goes into it.

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