Wednesday 27 February 2013

Pre surgery update

So today was the day that Simon was admitted into the hospital.  We had no idea how it would go and what to expect but God, in His goodness, prepared the way.  The lady in charge was very organised and seemed very much in control which gave us some reassurance.  We filled in some paperwork at reception and waited for a bed to be ready.  It didn't take too long before Simon moved into his room for the next week or so.  The room was bigger than we expected but the smaller one wasn't available but the price is still the same :).  We felt like we were in a hotel room as it has cable tv and a couch.  Amazing!  I also have the freedom to sleep in his room on the couch if I want to.  A bit different from the NHS :)  All the pre-op work was done throughout the afternoon and we had dinner together before our friend Connie picked me up to take me home to their house.  I have a bit of a cold so didn't really want to share that with Simon during the night as well as the day. :)  The staff have been so helpful and the service has been wonderful.  The name of the block that we are in is called the Princess Zahra Pavillion so as you can imagine we thought that was quite funny.  Our wee Princess ZARA is impressed and is looking forward to seeing photos.

I just had a sms now (9pm) from Simon that all the tests are complete for tomorrows surgery at 0745.  The surgery is supposed to last about 2 hours +.  The Dr doing the surgery said we just take our time and are not looking to be the fastest.  I was happy to hear that.  I will go into the hospital at 7am to see him before he goes to theatre and will be there for when he returns.  Not that he will be aware of that as he will probably still be sleeping or a bit out of it.

We talked to Joshua and Zara this afternoon.  They are doing well and still have fun on their sleep overs.  Joshua was asking Simon again if he could ask the doctor to keep the disc they are taking out and if the doctor could take photos of the surgery.  Simon told him that the doctors might be slightly too busy for that :)

Thank you to all of you who are praying for us in this and having our backs. We appreciate all the emails, facebook messages, sms's and phone calls. I will update again tomorrow once Simon is out of surgery and we know how its all gone.

1 comment:

Mama in Uganda said...

Great. With all the time I spent on that same wing, I always impressed!