Thursday 12 April 2012

A visit from the Grandparents

Yesterday we said goodbye to Simon's parents who came to visit us for three and a half weeks.  We had an enjoyable time with them.  Joshua and Zara were on holiday from school for Easter break so we took the opportunity to go away for a few days as a family.  We went down to the South West of Uganda and enjoyed a beautiful part of God's creation.

It is always good to see the country where you live through visitors eyes.  After over 10 years in Uganda the things we see are often just normal for us.  However, the oohs and ahhh's from the back of the car often tell us that something we take for granted as a part of life is not quite what people are used to when they come from the west.  I have included some photos to show you courtesy of Simon's parents.

The photos are a bit random in order due to the length of time it has taken me to download them but the captions should make it self explanatory.

 On our way down to Queen Elizabeth via the Equator.

Joshua and Zara enjoying the boat ride on Kazinga Channel

Saturday must have been "butcher" day as each village we passed through had varying degrees of cut up carcasses for sale

Bricks being baked in hot ovens along the roadside

 Our wee family

A special treat was a leopard sighting.  Unfortunately I didn't have time to change lenses so I could have a closer photo of it.  It slinked away into the bush but it was an amazing sight.  Not one you see very often at all.

J, Z and I on the top of the boat.  You can just see one of three elephants in the background that were walking along the river bank.  Along with elephants we saw hippos, a monitor lizard, crocodile and birds of varying sorts.

On our way home we stopped to buy some fish which were caught in Lake Victoria.  We had them for dinner that night.

These fish were of the tilapia variety.  They have a strong smell so we didn't want them in the car so as is custom here we had them attached to the front of our car.  At one point one of the fish started flapping in the wind so it looked like it was flying.  Thankfully it didn't fly off!

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