Wednesday 14 March 2007

Another week in Kampala

Since arriving back in Uganda we have virtually hit the ground running or flying in Simon's case. Simon has had a busy flying schedule with two flight exams. Thankfully he passed them both so is now free of exams for a while. One of his flights included taking a dead body back to Sudan for burial. He was greeted by the extended family who were at the airstrip to receive the body. The journey by road to get the body back to the family would have been days of ardous travel. The flight only took about 2 hours.

Today and tomorrow he is at a safety seminar run by MSI (Mission Safety International). This is mostly a technical seminar but the wives are encouraged to come to the "Managing your marriage in ministry" on Friday afternoon. I will let you know how that goes.

I have been busy getting the kids into a routine again with school runs and keeping Zara out of trouble at home. She is into everything. If she is quiet then we worry. The other day she came to Simon and said "Daddy's pen.." and gave him a pen. Both of us wondered what she had done with it before she had given it up. Well it didnt take long to find out. When I put Joshua to bed that night I saw her handiwork. There was some of her creative expression on the bed sheets. AHHHHHHHH. Now we have to hide all pens from her. Goodness knows what the house would look like if she was left alone.

Joshua has settled back into school life again and is enjoying it a lot. We have a MAF family from Chad helping out in the Uganda programme at the moment due to the instability problems in Chad. They have a son, Jack, about the same age as Joshua and they get on really well together. I asked Joshua the other day if he had fun with Jack at school and he said "....Jack's my buddy we are tight friends.."

I also started some training work again this week. Yesterday I had a meeting with the Heads of Department in MAF Uganda to see how we can make the programme run smoother and some of the issues they are facing and how training could be part of the solution. It was a good meeting but it showed that there was a lot of work to be done. I am looking forward to the challenge!! :)

On a different note please pray for our Nightguard Moses and his wife Robinah. Robinah's sister was killed last week when a Matatu (taxi) was forced off the road by a truck and hit her while she was selling bananas. Pray that Robinah wouldn't contract malaria due to her time in the village as she is expecting their third child.

We are cameraless at the moment. Somewhere between Scotland and Uganda we parted our ways. Thankfully we were able to purchase another one but it won't arrive until next week when friends bring it with them from Scotland. Until then you will need to put up with some photos of our time on furlough.

We seem to be able to send and receive emails again. Long may that continue. Thank you for your patience.

This week we have had electricity two days running...Yippee but I guess the authorities thought we couldn't have it all so turned off our water. Thankfully it has started to trickle in as of 30 minutes ago so hopefully it keeps going so our tanks will be full again. Never a dull moment!!!!

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